TENSES, Present, Past, Future

Disusun guna memenuhi tugas Mata Kuliah Bahasa Inggris
Dosen Pengampu Drs. Musarwan, M.Pd

1.     Lukman Mubarok
2.     Andre Prayogi
3.     Tamtomi Rizal
4.     Hamdan Asidiq


1.1       Simple Present
1.2       Present Continuous
1.3       Present Perfect
1.4       Present Perfect Coninuous
2.1       Simple Past
2.2       Past Continuous
2.3       Past Perfect
2.4       Past Perfect Continuos
3.1       Simple Future
3.2       Future Continuous
3.3       Future Perfect
3.4       Future Perfect Coninuous

1.1. SIMPLE PRESENT :  S + Verb (1)s/es
Digunakan untuk :
v  Menyatakan situasi yang terjadi sekarang
v  Menyatakan fakta ilmiah
v  Menyatakan kegiatan rutinitas
Examples :
Andre takes the bus to the office every day.

Andre naik bus kekantor setiap hari.
The bus to the city leaves every ten minutes.

Bus kekotaberangkatsetiapsepuluhmenit.

My mother works seven hours a day.

Ibukubekerjaselamadelapan jam sehari.

Digunakan untuk :
v  Menyatakan kegiatan masa depan yang memiliki jadwal yang jelas (Verbs yang biasa digunakan : open, close, begin, end, start, finish, arrive, leave, come, dan return).
Examples :
  1. The museum opens at ten tomorrow morning.
  2. Classes begin next week.
Imbuhan s/ es ditambahkan pada Verb yang subyeknya :
v  Singular Noun             : Billy, my father, the machine.
v  Singular Pronoun        : he, she, it.
Examples         :
Verb + s          :  - sing  – sings
                           - work - works
                             (Joni works at the bank)
Verb + es         : -es ditambahkan pada kata yang berakhiran  -sh, -ch, -s, -z, dan –x
             (washes, classes, watches, buzzes, boxes).
v  Verb yang berakhiran –y yang didahului sebuah huruf vokal, cukup ditambah –s : (buy – buys).
v  Jika –y diawali konsonan, maka – huruf –y diganti –i dan ditambah –es : (try - tries), (cry – cries).
A.  POSITIVE  Peryataan :
            S + V.1            : (I, You, We, They)
            S + V.1 (s/es) : (He, She, It) 
Example :
  1. She always washes her face before going to bed.
  2. Sun rises from the east, and sets on the west every day.
    (matahariterbitdaritimurdantenggelam di baratsetiaphari)
  3. I always pray five times a day.
    (akuselalushalat 5 waktusehari)
  4. Julie and Romeo love each other.
    (Julie dan Romeo salingmencintai)
  5. I am sorry for not always stand by you when you need me.
  6. I seldom visit my grand mother in the village.
    (akujarangmengunjunginenekku di kampung)
B. NEGATIVE/ Menyangkal / Penolakan :
             S + do not + V.1            : (I, You, We, They)
             S + does not V.1 (tidak ada s/es ) : (He, She, It)
1.We don’tknow why you make me cry.
2.I don’t care who you are, as long as you love me.
(akutidakpedulisiapakamu, selamakamumencintaiku)
3. My Father doen’t want to lose you again.
4. My teacher doesn’t need your reason coming late.
5. She doesn’tknow that she is all that I need.
(diatidaktahubahwahanyadialah yang akuinginkan)
C.  INTERROGATIVE/ Pertanyaan :
             Do + S + V.1                              : (I, You, We, They)
Does + S +V.1 (tidak ada s/es ) : (He, She, It)
Example :
1.      Do you never drinks coffee?
(apakahkamutidakpernahminum kopi?)
2.      Does Anita speak English very well?
(apakah Anita berbicarabahasaInggrisdenganbaik)
3.      Do my mother and my sister go shopping in the afternoon?
4.      Do you know where is my wallet?
5.      Does she know why you make me cry.

Disebut juga Progressive Tenses, unuk menyatakan :
Kejadian yang sedang berlangsung dalam waktu tertentu.
A. POSITIVE    : S + tobe/am + V1+ing (I am...)
            S + tobe/are + V1 + ing (You, We, They)
            S + tobe/is + V1+ing ( He, She, It, Billy )
1.The teacher is teaching his students right now
(pak guru sedang mengajar murid-muridnya sekarang)
2. I am driving my car to your place
(Tunggu saja di situ, sayasedangmengendaraimobilketempatmu)
3. My mother is cooking fried chicken in the kitchen with Mr. Chen
(ibukusedangmemasakayamgoreng di dapurdenganpak Chen)
4.  My son is playing with my wife on the backyard
(anakkusedang main samaisteriku di kebunbelakang)
5. The day is raining, you have to bring an umbrella
(Sedang hujan, kamu harus bawa payung.)

B. NEGATIVE  : S + am not + V1+ing (I am not...)
             S + are not + V1 + ing (You, We, They)
            S + is not + V1+ing ( He, She, It, Billy )
Example :
1.   I am not going any where. I am in home now.
(akutidaklagikemana-mana, akulagi di rumahsekarang)
2. The class is not studying now, because the teacher is sick.
(Kelassedangkosong, karenagurunyasakit)
3. You are not listening to me, so that why you don’t understand to what I am talking about.
(Kamutidakmendengarkanaku, itulahmengapakamutidakpahamapa yang akubicarakan).
4. My mother is not cooking, she is sleeping on the second floor
(Ibuku tidak sedang memasak, ia sedang tidur di lantai dua).
5.  She is not waiting for you, she is waiting her friend
(diatidaksedangmenunggumu, dia sedang menunggu temannya)

 am + S + V1+ing
  are + S + V1 + ing (You, We,
  is + S + V1+ing ( He, She, It, Billy )
Example :
1.  Are you still working at  P.T PERSADA Company?
(Apakah kamu masih<sedang>bekerja di P.T PERSADA ?) Yes, I am  /No, Iam not
2. Is the president visiting the victims of earthquake in Bantul now?Yes .he is, / No, he is not
(Apakah presiden sedang mengunjung ikorban gempa bumi di Bantul sekarang?)
3. Are you still using the computer? I want to use it too.  Yes, I am  / No, Iam not
(apakah kamu masih menggunakan computer itu? Aku ingin menggunakannya juga)
4. Am I walking too fast? Yes, I am  / No, Iam not
(apakah aku berjalan terlalu cepat?)
5. Is the machine still working? Yes, It is / No it isn’t
(apakah mesinnya masih hidup?)

Digunakan unuk menyatakan : 
Kejadian yang terjadi (atau tidak pernah terjadi) sebelum sekarang, pada waktu tertentu yang tidak spesifik di masa lalu.
A. POSITIVE    :  S +  have + V3  ( I, You, We, They)
S + has + V3 ( He, She, It, Billy )
Example :
1. You have worked so hard today, you had better take a rest
(kamu sudah bekerja keras hari ini, sebaiknya kamu istirahat)
2. She has drunk three bottles of wine, she must be get headache now
(dia sudah minum 3 botol anggur, dia pasti sakit kepala sekarang)
3. The students have finished their examination, now they are waiting for the result
(para murid sudah menyelesaikan ujiannya, sekarang mereka tinggal menunggu hasilnya)
4.  I have been gone to Bali island for three times
(saya sudah pernah pergi kepulau Bali 3 kali)
5.  The mechanic has fixed my car, so  I can go along with my friend in this weekend
(pak montir sudah memperbaiki mobilku, jadi aku bias pergi dengan temanku akhir pecan ini)

Menggunakan keterangan SINCE atau FOR, untuk menyatakan kejadian di masa lampau berlanjut sampai sekarang.
Example :
1.      Tia has lived in Bandung since 2010
Tia sudahtinggal di Bandung sejaktahun 2010.
2.      We have  studied English since March.
Kami sudahbelajarbahasaInggrissejakbulanMaret.
3.      She  has worked in Jakarta since 2012.
Diasudahbekerja di Jakarta sejaktahun 2012.
4.      Mr. Leon has been here since yesterday.
Tuan Leon telahberada di sinisejakkemarin.
5.        I have lived in London for a long time.
(Sayasudahtinggal di London untukwaktu yang lama.)
6.      Siska has worked as a teacher for 5 years
(Siskasudahbekerjasebagai guru selama 5 tahun.)

B. NEGATIVE  : S +  have not + V3  ( I, You, We, They)
            S + has not + V3 ( He, She, It, Billy )
Example :
1. oh my God, I have not turn the stove off.
(ya Allah, akulupabelummematikankompor)
2. The meeting has not begun yet, you are notlate
(meetingnyabelummulai, kamutidakterlambat)
3.  She has gone, where as she has not paid her purchase
(diasudahpergi, padahaldiabelummembayarbelajaannya)
4.  I have not watched the newest movie in 21
(Akubelumnonton film terbaru di 21)
6.  My baby cries because he has not drank a glass of milk

Have + S + V3  ( I, You, We, They)
 Has + S + V3 ( He, She, It, Billy )

1.        Have you already finished answering the questions?
2.        Has John purchased all needs for the party
(apakah John membelisemuakeperluanuntukpesta?)
3.      Have you drank your milk before going to school?
4.      Has mother asked the house maid to clean the garden?
5.      Has the rain stopped now?
6.      Have you already prayed guys? let’s pray now then.
(Apakahkamusemuasudahpadashalat? kalaubelum yuk marikitashalatsekarang)

Digunakan unuk menyatakan :
Durasi kegiatan dimulai pd masa lalu dan masih berlangsung sampai sekarang. Penggunaan waktu (for,  since, all morning, all day, all week.
A. POSITIVE    :  S +  have + been + V-ing  ( I, You, We, They)
 S + has + been+V-ing ( He, She, It, Billy )
  1. I have been studying for two hours.
  2. It has been raining all day.
Jika tidak menggunakan waktu spesifik, maka menyatakan kegiatan yang baru berlangsung.
  1. I have been thinking about changing my major.
  2. Everyone has been studying hrd. Final exams start next week.

B. NEGATIVE :  S + haven’t + been + V-ing  ( I, You, We,   They)
                                          S + hasn’t + been+V-ing ( He, She, It,  Billy)
  1. I haven’t been studying for two hours.
  2. It hasn’t been raining all day.
Have+S +been + V-ing  ( I, You, We, They)
Has+S+ been+V-ing ( He, She, It,Billy)
  1. Have I been studying for two hours? Yes, I have. – No, I,haven’t
  2. Has it been raining all day? Yes, It has. – No, it hasn’t

Digunakan untuk :
v  Menyatakan situasi yang terjadi pada masa lalu.
v  Menyatakan kejadian dimulai dan berakhir di masa lalu.
A. POSITIVE/ pernyataan :
            S + V.2 ((I, You, We, They, H, She, It) 
            1. I watched music concert last night.
            2. You shut the windows an hour ago .
            3. It snowed in Alaska yesterday.
B. NEGATIVE/ Menyangkal / Penolakan :
             S + did not + V.1   (I, we, you, they, she, he, it)
     1. I didn’t watch music concert last night.
2. You didn’t shut the windows an hour ago .
3. It didn’t snow in Alaska yesterday.
C. INTERROGATIVE/ Pertanyaan :
             Did + S + V.1            : (I, You, We, They, H, She, It)
     1. Did you watch music concert last night?  Yes, I did. No, I didn’t
            2. Did You shut the windows an hour ago?   Yes, I did. No, I didn’t
            3.  Did It snow in Alaska yesterday?               Yes, I did. No, I didn’t

Digunakan untuk :
v  Menyatakan dua kejadian yang terjadi pada saat yang sama di masa lalu, tetapi satu kejadian terjadi lebih dahulu dan masih sedang berlangsung saat kejadian kedua menyusul.
A. POSITIVE/ pernyataan :
            S + was +V ing ((I, He, She, It)
            S + were + V ing (You, We, They)

            1. She was sleeping when I arrived.
            2. While I was driving home, it began to rain.
Untuk menerangkan kegiatan apa yang sedang berlangsung di waktu tertentu yang spesifik di masa lalu.
            S + was not+V ing ((I, He, She, It)
            S + were not + V ing (You, We, They)

            1. She wasn’t sleeping when I arrived.
            2. While I wasn’t driving home, it began to rain.
            Was +S +V ing ((I, He, She, It)
            Were + S + V ing (You, We, They)

            1. Was She sleeping when I arrived? Yes, She was – N0, She  wasn’t.
            2. Was I driving home while it began to rain? Yes, I was – No, I  wasn’t.

Digunakan unuk menyatakan :
            Kegiatan yang sudah selesai sebelum kejadian lain terjadi di masa lalu.
A.    POSITIVE    :  S +  had + V3  ( I, You, We, They, He, She, It,  Billy))
1.      I had already eaten when they arrived.
2.      Soni had left before we got there.
3.      After  they had finished the meat, they went home.
B.     NEGATIVE        : S + HADN’T + V3 ( I, You, We, They, He, She, It,  Billy))                             
1. I hadn’t already eaten.
2. Soni hadn’t left before we got there.
3. After  they hadn’t finished the meat, they went home.

C. INTERROGATIVE: HAD+S+V3 ( I, You, We, They, He, She, It,  Billy))
1. Had You already eaten. Yes, I had – No, I hadn’t
2. Had Soni left before we got there? Yes, He had.  No, He hadn’t
3. Had they finished the meat? Yes, they had. No, they hadn’t.

Digunakan untuk :
            Menyatakan durasi waktu suatu kejadian yang sedang berlangsung sebelum kejadian atau waktu lain di masa lalu.
A.    POSITIVE    :  S +  had been + V ing  ( I, You, We,  They, He, She, It,  Billy))
1.      I had been studying for two hours before my friends came.
Untuk menyatakan kegiatan yang sedang berlangsung  hingga terjadinya sebuah kejadian di masa laalu.
2.    Her eyes were red  because  she had been craying.
3.    When Yuli  got home, Her hair was still wet because she had been swimming.

B.     NEGATIVE                    : S + hadn’t been + V ing (I, You, We, They, He, She, It,   Billy).
1. She hadn’t been craying.
2. He hadn’t been swimming.

C.    INTERROGATIVE       : Had + S + been + V ing (I, You, We, They, He, She, It,  Billy)
  1. Had She been craying? Yes, She had. – No, She had not
  2. Had he been swimming? Yes, He had – No, He had not.

  3.1       Simple Future
  3.2       Future Continuous
  3.3       Future Perfect
  3.4       Future Perfect Coninuous
3.1              Simple Future

     - S + will V1
     - S + am/is/are going to V1
     Digunakan untuk menyatakan aktivitas di masa
     depan/ masa yang akan datang.
Examples :
  1. It will snow tomorrow.
  2. I am going to watch television tonight.
Perbedaan Will dan be going to :
            - WILL menyatakan prediksi keinginan masih
              berupa niat.
            - BE GOING TO menyatakan prediksi dan rencana
               yang sudah matang.
     - S + will not + V1
     - S + am/is/are not + going to V1
Examples :
  1. It won’t snow tomorrow.
  2. I am not going to watch television tonight.

     - Will + S + V1
     - am/is/are + S + going to V1
Examples :
  1. Will it snow tomorrow? Yes, it will – No, it won’t
  2. Am I going to watch television tonight? Yes, I’m
Keterangan waktu Present Future
-          Tomorrow = besok     
-          Next week = minggu depan   
-          Next month = bulan depan
-          In 2099 = pada 2099
-          At future = nantinya
-          Tonight = nanti malam
-          An hour later = 1 jam kemudian
-          A month later = sebulan kemudian
-          Next year = tahun depan
-          The following week = minggu berikut

3.2              Future Continuous Tense
     - S + will be + V ing
     - S + am/is/are going to + be V ing
     Digunakan untuk menyatakan kegiatan yang akan 
     sedang berlangsung di masa depan.
Examples :
  1. He will be sleeping when we arrive.
  2. I am going to be watching television while it begins to rain.
B. NEGATIVE : S + WON’T BE + V ing.
   S + am/is/are/ going to + BE + V ing
  1. He won’t be sleeping when we arrive.
  2. I am not going to be watching television while it begins to rain.
am/is/are S going to + BE + V ing
  1. Will He be sleeping when we arrive? Yes, He will.- No, He won’t                                                              
  1. Am I going to be watching television while it begins to rain? Yes, I am – No, I am not.

3.3              Future Perfect Tense
a)      POSITIVE :     S + will have + V3
            Digunakan untuk menyatakan kegiatan yang sudah
            selesai sebelum kegiatan lain yang akan terjadi di masa depan.
Examples :
-          I will have already eaten by the time they arrive.
-          I will have graduated by next Augustust.
b. NEGATIVE : S + won’t + have + V3
-          I won’t have already eaten by the time they arrive.
-          I won’t have graduated by next Augustust.

c.  INTERROGATIVE : Will + S + have V3
Will I have already eaten by the time they arrive.?          Yes, I will. – No, I won’t.
Will I have graduated by next Augustust.?
d.      Yes, I will. – No, I won’t.

3.4              Future Perfect Continuous Tense
    S + will have been + Ving
Digunakan untuk menyatakan durasi kegiatan yang akan sedang berlangsung sebelum kegiatan lain terjadi di masa datang.
Examples :
-          I will have been studying for two hours by the time you arrive.
-          When Professor Gunadi retires next month, he will have been teaching for 45 years.

B. NEGATIVE : S + won’t + have been + V ing
-          I won’t have been studying for two hours by the time you arrive.
-          When Professor Gunadi retires next month, he won’t have been teaching for 45 years.
C. INTERROGATIVE : Will + S + have been + V ing
-          Will I have been studying for two hours by the time you arrive.
-          When Professor Gunadi retires next month, Whill he have been teaching for 45 years.

Contoh lain  present perfecttense nnegatif
  1. I have not seen snow.
  2. I haven’t flawn an airplane many times.
  3. She has not eaten.
Have you already been accepted in Astra Company
(apakahkamusudahditerima di PT Astra?)
  1. have you seen snow? Yes, I have – No, I haven’t.
  2. Have you flawn an airplane any times?
                                                Yes, I have – No, I haven’t.
  1. Has she eaten? Yes, She has – No, She hasn’t.

Contoh present prepect tense dengan since dan for
We have been living here for almost three years.
(Kami telahtinggaldisiniselamahampirtigatahun.)
We have been living here since 2012.
(Kami  telahtinggaldisinisejaktahun 2012.)
It has been a long time since we last met.
(Sudah lama sejakkitaterakhirbertemu.)

Andi has participated in national elections since he was seventeen.
(Anditelahberpartisipasi di pemilusejakdiaberumurtujuhbelastahun.)
She’s had diarrhea for two weeks.
(Diadiaresudahselamadua minggu.)
They went to Bali for a week.

(Merekapergike Bali selamaseminggu.)
Has she been sick since yesterday?

Has he worked in here for two years?

Apakahdiasudahbekerja di siniselamaduatahun?

Contoh lain dari simple present
1.      Cheetais the fastest animal in the world.
(Cheetaadalahbinatangtercepat di dunia)
2.      Working whole day makes my body so tired, I need to take a rest
(bekerjaseharianmembuattubuhsayacapek, sayaperluistirahat)
3.      Mother always takes care her child every time.
4.      Government gives fund to poor people as a compensation of new oil policy.
(pemerintahmemberidanabagimasyarakatmiskinsebagaikompensasikebijakanminyak yang baru)
5.      Several national televisions broadcast their program 24 hours a day.
(beberapatvnasionalmenayangkan program mereka 24 jam sehari)
6.      My father is a general manager of AnginRibut Company.
(Ayahkuadalahseorang GM di PT AnginRibut).
7.      Does your uncle live in very small house
(apakahpamanmuhidup di rumah RSSS <rumahsangatsederhanasekali>?)
8.      Does Joni ride a motorcycle to school?
(apakah Joni pergikesekolahdenganmengendaraisepeda motor?)
9.      Does the swimming pool open at 9 a.m and close at 6 p.meveryday?
(apakahkolamrenangitubuka jam 9 pagidantutuppadapukul 6 sore setiaphari?)
10.  Do your parents usually read newspaper in the morning?
(apakah orang tuamubiasamembacakoran di pagihari?)
11.  Does the water boils at 100 C ?
(apakah air mendidihpada 100 derajatcelcius?)
12.  Does bad driving cause many accidents?
Contoh lain dari present continuous tense
The driver is not picking up your stuffs on the hispick up truck, he is picking up mine.
(Sopiritutidaksedangmengangkutbarang-barangmukeatas pick up nya, tapisedangmengangkutbarangku).
I am not downloading a 4dult movie, it’s forbidden.
(akutidaksedang download film dew4sa, itutidakboleh).
Contohpresent  continuous tense
What are you looking for my brother? May I help you to find it?
(Sedangmencariapasaudaraku? bolehkanakumenolongmumenemukannya?

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